About Me

Chances are if you've come to this page, you've come to learn about me.

My name is Katilyn Boyer and I'm 19 years old. I attend state college to for chemistry to become a dermatologist! I've grown up in a small farm town in Ohio with an average mom, dad, and sister family. I'm currently in a wonderful relationship with my long-time best friend and high school sweetheart too :) I'm a bargain shopper, a vegetarian, and I love all-natural products!

The goal of my blog is to spread my opinions and knowledge that I've gathered over the years regarding skin, hair, makeup and sometimes even just overall health :) I love teaching people about skin and hair tricks and makeup tips because everyone deserves to feel beautiful! I've spent many hours, years even, researching skin solutions, hair remedies and makeup tricks and my attempt is to combine all that into one little blog. I got so tired of reading reviews for this or that skin product and knowing no background of the person, how long they used it, what else they did, it got ridiculous! So, I will write 100% honest reviews for what works for me and how it could work for other people. After all, we're all unique so why would one product work for every person?

My dream would be to run my own dermatology practice alongside being a makeup artist so I could make everyone feel beautiful like they are meant to be.

Thank you for visiting my blog and taking part in this journey of my life and I hope you learn something, try something and feel a little more beautiful. Or, heck, a lot more beautiful! Your comments and suggestions would be wonderfully appreciated and I hope you use some of the knowledge I've gathered and spread it around!

Thank you! & remember you're more beautiful than you'll ever know!

Twitter: @katilyn124
Pinterest: katilyn3
Youtube (will be doing videos soon! leave suggestions): katilyn3

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